Monday, May 31, 2010

Behind the Veil


Her mind drifted to the morning’s events…

“Isn’t it hot in here?” Iraj had commented pointedly looking at her headscarf, as she twisted her own hair into an elegant chignon.

“Mmm...I think the air conditioning is functioning perfectly as usual.” She had replied coolly, sorting out the reference material that had arrived the same day.

“Don’t know how you can stand it, Maheen…I’d suffocate!” Jane joined in, in her usual straight-to-the-point manner.

“You don’t have to wear it if that’s how you feel.” She had replied casually.

“What’s your hair like these days, Mahi? Straight, curly, black, blonde… er…long, short…do you have hair at all?” Jane remarked curiously, drumming her delicate fingers on the table.

“Haven’t you two got any work to do today?” Ted Miller, her boss, commented lightly as he passed by.

Iraj made a face at his receding back and they burst out laughting before moving off to their sections.

Maheen was grateful for the intervention. He was a real dear, old Ted...sure valued hardwork and hard-workers.

Read a little while!


  1. wowwww...what a story teller you are. I just love it :)

  2. Thanks, my friend! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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